P E R M A N E N T​  M A K E U P


H Y P E R R E A L I S T I C   A E S T H I C   &   C O S M E T I C S

 After each procedure,do not apply anything until the scab scales off and scab shedding is completed. This may take 7 to 14 days or even more.
Antiscar gel is applied after serious injuries, a surgical intervention when tissue scarring is expected, and for scarring prevention. After initial scab shedding, a small amount of the gel is to be applied on the skin with every 8 hours. It should be applied until the skin relief is restored, redness disappears, and the skin colour in the area that has been exposed to thevprocedure obtains the same colour as surrounding tissues.

Duration of application: 30 and more days.


  • Keep the scab dry 
  • Do not use decorative and hygienic cosmetics for 10-14 days on the affected area after the Removal procedure
  • Do not peel the scab after the tattoo removal treatment – allow it to fall off naturally
  • Do not use the solarium, avoid sun for 2 weeks after the Removal procedure
  • Avoid bath, saunas, pools for 2 weeks after the removal procedure
  • Avoid facial or body treatments for 3-6 weeks after the Removal procedure
  • Do not exercise and have no body or facial massages 7 days after the Removal procedure
  • Always keep in touch with the professional who performed the procedure and inform him/her about your skin condition in 1-3 day intervals
  • Use the post procedure products prescribed by the specialist. It will be worth saving your money and investing in a professional tattoo removal to ensure you get the best removal results and keep in mind that there is something that will make your lives attractive and comfortable again.