H Y P E R R E A L I S T I C   A E S T H I C   &   C O S M E T I C S

Please arrive eye makeup and mascara free. Any makeup on your natural lashes can interfere with the adhesive bond and shorten your eyelash extension lifespan. It is extremely important your lashes be as clean as possible.​


* for minimum of 24 hours

  • No heat or steam including cooking over steaming stovetop
  • No saunas, water, oils, lotions, creams, shampoos
  • No face washes or makeup removes wipes or pads on lashes
  • Only approved product to put on immediately after a lift that will not cause your lash lift to fall i the ELEVATE MASCARA
  • We advised that because clients lashes are still malleable (shape shifting),  a side sleeper or face sleeper may notice one or both eyes raise or drop, leaving the lashes misshaped. Sleeping on your back is best.
  • Avoid face washes that are mainly oilers this can also cause lashes to drop prematurely
  • If you apply ELEVATE MASCARA make sure that you remove it with cold water, within 24 hour period.

Please arrive eye makeup and mascara free. Any makeup on your natural lashes can interfere with the adhesive bond and shorten your eyelash extension lifespan. It is extremely important your lashes be as clean as possible.​

Avoid showering, swimming, to use of saunas, and steam rooms for the first 24 hours as this will affect your adhesive bond. 

Do not pull, rub or sleep on lashes. Avoid waterproof eye makeup and mascara. Avoid all oil based products and makeup remover around your eye area.
Brush your lashes daily with a clean mascara wand. Do not use an eyelash curler, perm or tint your eyelash extensions. 
Washing your lashes will make them last longer (wait 48 hours after application)! Please use a specific lash shampoo to ensure proper cleansing. Be sure to cleanse daily to remove excess oils and debris.

*Clients with sensitivities or allergies should avoid drinking wine for the first 24 hours, as it may increase sensitivities and cause an allergic reaction.
*Lash shedding is a normal process which happens to all of us (with or without lash extensions). Book your fill every 2-4 weeks to keep your lashes looking full. 

L A S H   E X T E N S I O N S

L A S H  L I F T